Candidate FinancesTotals according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) data; does not include Super PAC funds
Notes: 1. The Funds Raised category is listed as "total" by the FEC's campaign receipts report, and is calculated as the sum of total contributions (itemized individual contributions, unitemized individual contributions, party committees contributions, other committees contributions, and candidate contributions), total loans, total transfers, total offsets, and other receipts. 2. The Funds Spent category is listed as "total disbursements" by the FEC's campaign disbursements report, and is calculated as the sum of operating expenditures, transfers to authorized committees, total loan repayments, total contribution refunds (individual refunds, political party refunds, and other committee refunds), and other disbursements. 3. The Personal Finances category contains a link to a PDF document of each candidates' public financial disclosure report. These are reports of each candidates' personal financial wealth, and have nothing to do with how much money each candidate has raised for his/her campaign. * The Funds Raised for Martin O'Malley and Jill Stein include federal matching funds. Sources: Federal Election Commission (FEC), "Presidential Pre-Nomination Campaign Disbursements September 30, 2016" ,, Oct. 31, 2016 Federal Election Commission (FEC), "Presidential Pre-Nomination Campaign Receipts Through September 30, 2016" ,, Oct. 31, 2016 |